Our cinema demo facilities give our customers a unique opportunity to experience what our brands can offer with movies and games. Anchored by 2 separate stacks of REL Predator subwoofers, we have no doubt we can move you. In-wall Bowers and Wilkins diamond speakers take care of the front 3 channels which work through our acoustically transparent screen. B&W also provide the 4 Atmos enabled ceiling speakers, giving our customers the options of hearing what Atmos can bring to a home cinema set up.
We have the latest Sony 4k laser projector and a 4 meter screen, making sure the image has as much impact as our earth shattering sound.
Electronics are currently provided by Mcintosh, a manufacturer with tons of history and a stellar reputation for manufacturing amplifiers with huge presence and power. We have an Xbox Series X hooked up to cater for the latest gaming titles, and also a Kaliedascape media player for nothing but the very best quality playback.
We have 3 fully reclining cinema seats provided by FrontRow seating, allowing you to relax whilst taking in the latest blockbuster.
To experience this cinema please do get in touch via the web forms of give us a call. you wont regret it!